Monday, May 2, 2011

Ceramic Chess Set

Recently, my boyfriend has gotten into chess.  And I mean really.  It's pretty endearing actually. Currently, he's been playing on the computer and his grandfather's wooden set.  I thought it would be neat if we could make one of our own.  The plan was to make it together. 

Like that was actually going to happen.

This was a doozie of a project.  It probably took me a total of 15 hours to craft the entire set.  For the raw materials I used Amaco Natural Clay.  There is no baking necessary, which is handy since kilns are somewhat hard to come by.  The finished product hardens when exposed to the air for several hours.  Unfinished products should be kept under damp towels.  After the piece dries you can paint and varnish to your heart's content.

So far the project has been a relative success. The final pieces have a nice weight to them.   While all the pieces are completed, I still have the board to finish. I'm not sure how I'm going to pull that one off...

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